Latin American Committee Meeting: CISAC reveals roadmap to strengthen copyright and collective management in the region

What lies ahead for collective management and copyright/authors' rights in the digital economy was the subject at this year's CLC meeting in Buenos Aires today.
Organised by CISAC’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, the meeting attracted about 90 authors and society representatives from across the world.
Starting the morning’s proceedings, CISAC Director General Gadi Oron presented his vision for CISAC and outlined a roadmap to strengthen copyright/authors’ rights for all creators in the years to come. Highlighting the need for a collective voice, he heralded CISAC’s five strategic priorities, including:
- Building a supportive legal framework that empowers creators to obtain royalties from all forms of use of their works, including digital
- Developing technical infrastructures that support effective licensing and new business models
- Promoting and developing best practices in collective management, based on transparency and accountability
- Educating users and the general public on the value of culture and creation
- Fostering an environment that supports creative vitality and recognizes the importance of creators to cultures and economies.
Asociación General de Autores Del Uruguay (AGADU) President Alexis Buensenor then presented the CLC Chairman Committee report on the state of collective management in the region.
CISAC Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Santiago Schuster presented the Regional Director Report, outlining national reports and projects for 2015-2016, before leading a panel discussion on training needs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The panel investigated the main training needs required in the region, based on the information collected in the different areas of action of the societies. Panelists then put forward their proposals that could be carried out through the Latin America regional office during the 2015-2016 period.
AGADU Head of Accounting Pilar Rivero and Sociedad Argentina de Autores y Compositores de música (SADAIC) Chief Administrator Hugo Moreno presented a report and recommendations based on the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) study on accounting practices in the region. The report addresses the main conclusions of the PwC report, which are based on the collaboration between accounting managers of the societies; ACAM, ACDAM, AEI, AGADU, APDAYC, SACVEN, SADAIC, SAYCE, SAYCO, SCD, SOBODAYCOM and SPAC.
It provides a helpful guide on the societies’ accounting records of their operations and will also help societies to gradually adopt IFRS regulations.
Next to speak were AGADU General Counsel Eduardo de Freitas and União Brasileira de Compositores (UBC) Legal Counsel Sydney Sanches who discussed the Regional Legal Committee’s report on collective management in the digital arena.
Concluding the day, CISAC’s Assistant to Director for Latin America and Caribbean Carlos Bahamóndez presented a comparative study on collective management of authors’ rights and neighboring rights.
See the event video:
Kindly produced by Directores AV.