Galería de fotos: Congreso Anual W&DW 2018 en Argel
Los días 16 y 17 de abril, Writers & Directors Worldwide y sus alianzas socias se reunieron en Argel para el Congreso Anual de W&DW con el fin de aumentar la cooperación internacional, apoyar a las sociedades miembros y abordar el Estudio sobre el derecho a remuneración, la tecnología blockchain y otras cuestiones importantes para los creadores audiovisuales, dramáticos y literarios.
Leer más sobre el evento.

CIAM composer Lorenzo Ferrero discusses PACSA and the efforts of CIAM in supporting music creators to W&DW.
Photo ©: W&DW

W&DW President Horacio Maldonado and Vice President Yves Nilly review the outcomes of the two-day annual congress and next steps.
Photo ©: W&DW

W&DW supports the rights and protections of audiovisual, literary and dramatic authors.
Photo ©: W&DW

26 countries unite in Algeria at the annual Writers & Directors Worldwide (W&DW) congress, supported by ONDA. Photo ©: W&DW
Photo ©: W&DW

FERA, FSE and SAA speak about their organisations at W&DW following a presentation on a new FERA/FSE audiovisual author socio-economic study.
Photo ©: W&DW

Photo ©: W&DW

ONDA Director General and CISAC Board Member Sami Bencheikh El Hocine welcomes W&DW to Algeria.
Photo ©: W&DW

Photo ©: W&DW

CISAC Vice President Marcelo Piñeyro with Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Professor Tahar Hadjar, Minister of Culture Azzedine Mihoubi and Minister of Communication Djamel Kaouane.
Photo ©: W&DW