LATGA press release: Key Amendments to Law on Copyright and Related Rights adopted in Lithuania with CISAC support (sólo en inglés)

The following press release is from LATGA.
On November 8th, 2018, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted much needed amendments to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Lithuania. The amendments concerned the reproduction of works for private use (i.e., blank tape levy clause) regarding reproduction of works for private use by means of reprography and alternative enforcement measures for illegal websites.
Reproduction of Works for Private Use
Since 2012, Article 20 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights granted the right to receive remuneration for private copying only to authors of audiovisual works or works fixed in phonograms (i.e., music works). This excluded other authors including those in literature, visual arts and drama. After a six year battle, LATGA proved that such wording of the law did not support the core principle of fair remuneration and must be amended. Starting January 1st, 2019, Article 20 will grants the right to remuneration for private copying to all authors whose works were copied for private use.
CISAC supported LATGA and Lithuanian authors by adopting two resolutions regarding private copying in Lithuania. The resolutions, which were passed in 2016 and 2017 by the CISAC European Committee and the CISAC General Assembly respectively, expressed concerns from CISAC’s international community of societies and urged the Lithuanian government and legislation to remedy the discriminatory situation.
Reprographic Reproduction of Works for Private Use
According to the law, copyright owners and publishers are entitled to compensatory remuneration for the reproduction of works by reprography. This remuneration must be paid those who provide reprographic reproduction services as well as those who sell reprographic devices. However, until now, the list of reprographic devices subject to this was narrow and only included copiers and multifunction copiers. As of January 1st, 2019, scanners and printers (black and white, color) will be included into the remuneration scheme and subject to the compensatory remuneration.
Alternative enforcement measures
Starting April 1st, 2019, the amendment to Article 78 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Lithuania will establish a scheme for blocking access to illegal websites without having to file a lawsuit and undergo lengthy, expensive legal processes. This is a major step to finally provide the legal means tofight against internet piracy. Authors in Lithuania are looking forward for the amendments to enter into force.