MÜST press release: MÜST (Music Copyright Society of Chinese Taipei) organizes the first international songwriting camp in Taiwan (sólo en inglés)

The following press release is from member society MÜST.
MÜST invited sister societies of CISAC, the organizers of Europe and United States international songwriting camps, record companies, and music copyright publishers to cooperate and organize the international songwriting camp. 70 active and popular song writers in Taiwan and from Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam, all gathered together in Taipei, and co-worked to produce sixty-seven incredible music works during the camp.

MÜST, being an iconic music copyright society in Taiwan, has the obligation to the cultivation of music talent and experience inheritance, and is also obliged to provide a media platform for the creation of works in collaboration with popular musicians, partners and patrons to promote the use of works, and then issued in Taiwan, China and the international community. Many popular Chinese songs are circulated throughout the world from Taiwan, the popular music center of Chinese music.
MÜST also provided a match platform for every participant at every day break time and on the listening party. Every song writer is free to get in touch with the representatives of the music publishers or other buyers who are interested in their music. This October in Taipei, everyone is looking forward to the outcome of the songwriting camp.