SGAE tackles Artificial Intelligence challenges head-on with leading international experts
March 14 and 15 at the Casa de las Alhajas in Madrid

To celebrate its 125th anniversary, the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE), via its Foundation and the Instituto Autor, will address the concerns and challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This will take place at an international congress entitled La propiedad intelectual y las industrias culturales ante la inteligencia artificial generativa (Intellectual property and cultural industries in the light of generative AI), which will be held on March 14 and 15 at the Casa de las Alhajas in Madrid (Plaza de San Martín, 1) and which can be streamed
The forum, sponsored by the Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Culture, will be attended by international experts such as Jane Ginsburg, Director of the Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts and Professor of Intellectual Property at Columbia University; Ryan Abbott, author of the book The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law, (2020, Cambridge University Press); Leonardo Cervera Navas, Secretary General of the European Data Protection Supervisor; Klaus Goldhammer, author of the report Economic and Statistical Study on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Music Industry; Nuria Oliver, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Ibán García del Blanco, MEP and Socialists and Democrats (S&D) spokesperson in the Legal Affairs Committee; Lara Chaguaceda, Deputy Director General for Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Culture; Alejandro Puerto, Intellectual Property Registrar in Madrid; and Cristina Perpiñá-Robert, Director General of SGAE, to name but a few.
The director of the congress and Chairwoman of the Instituto Autor, Marisa Castelo, underlines that AI has suddenly invaded society. "We hear about artificial intelligence all the time, but the truth is that there has not been a serious and profound debate in Spain about its impact on the cultural industries, authors' rights and related issues. We seem to be very late, far behind what is already happening, given that we are not talking about distant futures," she warns.
SGAE Chairman Antonio Onetti believes that a profound discussion on the global impact of AI on intellectual property rights is urgently needed: "It is time to listen to those on the frontline to offer solutions to issues of vital importance for the development of the sector: how we promote cultural diversity and ensure that AI does not perpetuate existing biases and inequalities."
All of the speakers will answer questions such as the application of AI in the cultural industry and its effect on protected content, the ethical and sustainable use of this technology in the future, legislative regulation in the European Union (EU), data mining, algorithmic art censorship or the latest developments and current trends in the United States in the use of artificial intelligence, among others.