Spain: Music Authors, Representatives and Promoters Reach a Partnership Agreement (sólo en inglés)

The Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) (Spanish Society of Authors and Publishers) and the Asociación de Representantes Técnicos del Espectáculo (A.R.T.E.) (Association of Performing Technical Representatives) signed a partnership agreement today which is incorporated into the agreement signed back in 2014, and which will introduce two major changes in their professional relation.
Firstly, some new developments regarding concert rates (an alternative rate has been developed for performances with audiences of under 1,000 persons). Secondly, a special payment plan has been established for users who have incurred debts with the SGAE, in an aim to avoid a high rate of litigation which does not benefit either of the parties.
“Thanks to the willingness of both organizations to reach an understanding, it has been possible to renew an agreement which generates economic wealth for an industry, the entertainment industry, which is currently going through difficult times”, underlined José Luis Acosta, president of the SGAE.
“Today we are renewing an agreement which is essential for the survival of a sector which is basic to the world of entertainment and culture, one such as the sector of authors, interpreters and producers, without which popular music cannot thrive, especially in the face of a government which will go down in history as being short-sighted and lacking in sensitivity with regard to cultural matters”, expressed Emilio Santamaría, president of A.R.T.E.
New Form of Management and Advantages
On the one hand, promoters will have a rate model based on the objective of continuing to modernise, simplify and make it easier to access the authorization and payment of royalties. Moreover, they will be able to enjoy interesting rebates and deductions.
One novelty of the agreement is the creation of the fixed rate which will benefit primarily the activities of promoters and authors who carry out their activity before audiences of under 1,000 persons. Thanks to this fixed rate, the organizer will know in advance how much is required to be paid for royalties; this will allow the organizer to plan the programming with greater precision and sufficiently in advance. This alternative may be chosen optionally by the organizers, with this consequently simplifying the relations between promoters and rights' management entities, and generating a relationship of trust which will improve the development of the business. Currently, nearly 80% of the concerts or recitals organized in Spain are offered for audiences of up to 1,000 persons.
In addition to the above, in an aim to open up new windows and channels of access to the repertoire for concert organizers, which will facilitate their work and their relation with the SGAE, it is planned to start up a digital platform in the coming months which will enable them to handle directly all of the procedures and requirements regarding royalties: application for authorizations or the invoicing and payment of royalties by sector professionals can then be made in a simpler, more rapid and more secure manner.
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