SSA press release: SSA Releases 2015 Annual Report (sólo en inglés)

SSA released their 2015 Annual Report on 4 May, 2016.
Collections reached a record level, efficiency in management, a Copyright Act revision that must be put back on track.
- At 6.57%, collections reached a record level of CHF 22,734,527.-. Even with a very slight increase of CHF 39,363 (+1.17%) which was mainly due to the rise in costs for governmental supervision, our average commission rate could be lowered for the fourth year running. In 2015, it amounts to 13.06% which is 1,23 percentage points lower than in 2014.
- SSA pays its members and sister societies on a monthly basis. Its worldwide distributions have increased by 12%.
- Collections for stage performing rights have also reached a record (+7.5%). Such positive contributions by the creations of our members are proof for the excellent position that SSA holds in a dynamic and competitive market environment.
- At the same time, mandatory collective rights management has made great progress. The implementation of private copy remuneration for smartphones and tablets had a positive effect.
- The Swiss collective management organisations were subjected to a cost analysis by the government at great expense. It came as no surprise that the independent experts came to the conclusion that societies operated with "adequate administration costs". The analysis revealed the increase of SSA's efficiency over the last years, despite the special characteristics of its cost generators.
- Furthermore, a consultation regarding the revision of the Swiss Copyright Act has been launched. The preliminary draft provides for anti-piracy measures; for reasons that entirely escape any logic, it also plans for a quasi-nationalisation of authors' societies. Furthermore, it misses an excellent opportunity to equalise the power balance between authors and the kraken-like giants of e-business. Together with a number of allies, SSA is getting active to put this revision back on track.
- CHF 1,394,928 have been spent for cultural purposes in 2015. Of the 330 authors who participated in competitions and programmes, 100 received a subsidy. 9 prizes were awarded during Swiss Film Festivals.
- SSA celebrated its 30th anniversary in the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne with nearly 300 members with numerous other distinguished invitees who had the opportunity to appreciate the diversity of the repertoire whose rights SSA defends.
- The European Commission has, for the time being, desisted from trying to create a common e-market, forgetting that the borders are the pillars of financing European audiovision. In its communication published at the end of the year, the commendable intention to see works circulate even more and the will to introduce content portability subsisted. Authors' societies will remain vigilant.
- At international level, the CISAC group Writers & Directors Worldwide have launched a huge campaign asking for a fairer remuneration.
Download the SSA 2015 Annual Report below: