SSA website - now also available in English!

The English version of the SSA website is now online!
In our era of globalisation, we would like to make our SSA-related information available to an even bigger audience.
In addition to the three official national languages, we have now added an English version in order to facilitate the communication with our foreign partners - and our English-speaking partners in Switzerland.
The launch of the English version of the SSA website also marks an important service to our members who are off to tour the world.
It is now much easier for our partners to obtain information on how SSA actually manages authors' rights.
The website also provides information on the relationships SSA entertains with other countries.
As well as a means of presenting SSA and providing information, the website also includes a glossary and a site search engine.
By the by, SSA's multi-lingual team is also happy to reply to any of its contacts in English.