UBC press release: UBC Distributes Digital Music Performing Rights to 88,000 Right-holders (sólo en inglés)

24 June 2016 - As a one-step-ahead in the battle for better remuneration for music use on the internet in Brazil, today the Brazilian Union of Composers (UBC), the leading performance rights organization in the country, pays out their first streaming distribution. Digital Services Providers such as Spotify, Apple Music, Vevo, Deezer among other local services will be included in the quarterly distributions that start today.
Ecad, the umbrella organization that acts as a collection agency for the Brazilian PROs analysed almost 10 billion music usages and distributed a total of BRL 2.4 million. With regards to the repertoire represented by UBC, more than 88 thousand music right owners will receive over BRL 1.2 million which represents more than 55% of the total distribution for this type of rights in Brazil.
This first Brazilian distribution of performance rights on the internet is certainly a milestone in the quest for a fairer remuneration for music owners. The key players involved in the music industry are now battling against the huge ‘value gap’ that exists today between the number of songs being used and the actual money that is generated for the composers and artists. "We should all embrace this as a top priority when looking forward to a more sustainable market for everyone" explains Marcelo Castello Branco, UBC’s Chief Executive Officer.
Despite being by far the largest music streaming service in the country, Google, which owns YouTube, does not pay their due share regarding performance rights for the music used in their platform.
After three years of negotiation, representatives of major Brazilian musicians along with publishers have announced that they will go to Court to guarantee full royalties payment for the content used by the giant internet conglomerate. YouTube has deals with publishers, labels and digital distributors for the payment of reproduction rights, but the public performance rights still need to be paid.
About UBC
The Brazilian Union of Composers is a non-profit organization for the collective management of music rights of authors, publishers, performers and producers. UBC is the market leader and represents over 20 thousand Brazilian musicians and the repertoire of more than 70 foreign organizations.
Media Contacts
Elisa Eisenlohr – Communications Officier – elisa.eisenlohr@ubc.org.br / +55 21 2223 3233