Creative industry representatives promote adoption of Visual Artists' Resale Right in China

Beijing, China - 14 April 2015 – Representatives from prestigious visual art societies joined in Beijing today to discuss the Visual Artists' Resale Right and promote its adoption in the world's second largest art market, China.
Hosted by CISAC’s Asia-Pacific regional office, the seminar explored the positive gains of the visual artists' resale right for creators in many countries as well as lobbying efforts to ensure that the provision currently in a Chinese copyright bill is adopted into law.
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A cohort of 30 distinguished guests, who are responsible for the Copyright Act Amendment, representing the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), the State Council Law Affairs Office (SCLAO) and the National People Congress Legal Affairs Commission (NPCLAC) also attended the event,.
Guests also included esteemed legislators, artists, professors, associations of creators and copyright court judges.
Attendees heard from French Society of Authors in the Graphic and Plastic Arts (ADAGP) and UK Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS), who provided insight on the successful resale right models in France and the United Kingdom.
Discussion of Key Issues
Opening discussions, CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng spoke about the successful resale right campaign at WIPO in June 2014 and the upcoming 30 June event during WIPO's SCCR where Professor Ricketson will present his study on Resale Right.
ADAGP Chief Executive Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall presented the positive impact of the French model of the Visual Artists' Resale Right system. Famous artist and ADAGP member Wang Yan Cheng spoke about the importance of adopting the Visual Artists' Resale Right into Chinese law, stressing how this right is eagerly awaited by visual creators in China.
"Resale right is not all about remuneration, it's about respect for the artist," Mr Yancheng told the audience.
DACS Head of Legal & Deputy Chief Operating Officer Christian Zimmermann also took the stage to talk about the implications of Visual Artists' Resale Right in the United Kingdom. Mr Ng closed the day’s discussions with an update on the Resale Right in other countries, including the United States and Australia.