Reports and Research
As well as being the exclusive global data authority on the collective management sector, CISAC publishers a wide range of studies and reports providing expert knowledge and guidance to its community and to policy makers. Publications are often produced in partnership with other parties, and are usually available in English, French and Spanish.
CISAC’s recent publications are highlighted below:
Global Collections Report
A definitive global data source. The Global Collections Report is CISAC’s annual statistical overview of authors’ societies global collections on behalf of creators. The Report provides comprehensive detailed analysis of collections by repertoire, region and income stream. It also analyses the trends and the key drivers behind them.

CISAC Annual Report
Released annually prior to the General Assembly, the CISAC Annual Report is an overview of the Confederation’s activities and achievements at the hub of its network of authors societies around the world. The latest report published in 2023 covers workstreams including technology and identifiers, legal, policy and lobbying, governance and CISAC’s work to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the global collective management network.
The CISAC 2023 Annual Report is available to download here.
See the Flipbook version of the Report.

Private Copying Global Study
Private copying levies are a vital source of income for creators and rightsholders across the world. Yet they have an even greater potential if adequate legislation, proper application of the law and effective collection mechanisms are implemented. This unique study provides the most complete and authoritative analysis to date of private copying systems around the world. The new Private Copying Global Study 2020 has been produced by CISAC, in partnership with BIEM and Dutch Society Stichting de Thuiskopie. The full report can be downloaded here.

To foster education and drive awareness about authors’ rights worldwide, CISAC has developed massive open online courses (MOOCs) in partnership with FutureLearn, the online platform of Open University UK. The MOOCs allow for the greatest number of people to have access to information related to rights and protections of creators and the creative sector. Built over 90 years of expertise in authors’ rights, the courses are taught by leading experts in the field and are reflective of the high standards established and enforced throughout the Confederation and its members.
“Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry” is an introduction to the importance of copyright and its history from the Renaissance to the Internet. It explores how composers and writers make a living as well as how have key events and inventions created a marketplace and industry for cultural goods.
“Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries”, the first CISAC University course to receive CPD certification, explains how copyright rules are applied and the flow of economic benefit between creators, rightsholders and users of creative works. CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is an accreditation that verifies that a learning activity has achieved specific standards and benchmarks. It is delivered by the CPD Certification Service, an independent accreditation centre focussed on learning activities that enhance career development.

Economic Analysis of Safe Harbour Provisions
Copyright “safe harbour” rules, drawn up a quarter of a century ago to nurture early online commerce, are today distorting the digital market, profiting tech giants and leading to significant underpayment of copyright owners. Commissioned by CISAC, “Economic Analysis of Safe Harbour Provisions” by Ashbel Smith Professor Stan Liebowitz of the University of Texas at Dallas, is the most detailed economic examination of how copyright owners have been damaged by so-called “safe harbour” rules in copyright law.
The full study can be downloaded here. A one-page summary can be downloaded here.

AV Remuneration Study
In many countries, these creators do not have this right enshrined in the law and so are unable to share in the commercial success of their films and TV programmes. Instead, they often have to sign over their rights to producers with whom they have little or no power to negotiate.
Commissioned by CISAC and Writers & Directors Worldwide (W&DW), the AV Remuneration Study is the first-ever comprehensive examination of global legislation to support reforms bringing fair payment to audiovisual authors. It is supported by the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA).
Written by copyright law specialist and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Intellectual Property Chair Professor, Raquel Xalabarder, the study recommends an international legal framework for introducing an unwaivable and inalienable remuneration right for audiovisual authors. The study provides a clear legislative blueprint for decision makers to ensure all audiovisual authors benefit equally, regardless of their country of origin or of audiovisual production.
The full study can be downloaded here. A 6-page summary can be downloaded here.

Unlocking the value of China’s creative industries
Creators’ royalty collections in China have doubled between 2013 and 2017, and are set for further growth, according to the “Unlocking the value of China’s creative industries” report issued by CISAC at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai in 2018. The report shows that collections from digital platforms in China have grown five-fold since 2013 and are continuing to rise with the growth of licensed digital music services in the country.
The full study can be downloaded here.