CISAC Creators Councils
As the international mouthpiece for creators and their collective management organisations, CISAC works closely with creative communities across all artistic fields. CISAC’s creators’ councils bring the voice of authors to debates on copyright and authors’ rights issues.
The International Council of Music Creators (CIAM) seeks to broaden the representation of music creators worldwide. CIAM has five regional alliances, the Latin American Alliance of Composers and Creators of Music (ALCAM) the Asia-Pacific Music Alliance (APMA), European Composer & Songwriter Alliance (ECSA), Music Creators North America (MCNA) and the Pan-African Composers’ and Songwriters’ Alliance (PACSA), which lobby for the interests of composers and songwriters in their respective regions.

The International Council of Creators of Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts (CIAGP) addresses issues concerning the administration of visual authors’ rights.