CISAC Presidency asks for Europe to put transparency and creators’ rights at the heart of the EU AI Act

We are writing on behalf of more than 5 million creators of diverse repertoires and from different regions across the world to ask the European Union to ensure proper transparency principles are laid down in the EU AI Act.
The EU AI Act is a crucial first step in the policy response to AI and its impact on cultural industries. The Act should take the approach of adapting current legislation to create a positive environment for AI that serves and enhances human creativity, rather than supressing it.
AI tools have enormous positive potential for creators, and nothing will stop the exciting AI revolution that is already happening. Generative AI can extend the frontiers of human creation, enhance artistic expression and deliver to creators new licensing opportunities and revenue streams. But AI also requires smart regulation. We believe the EU AI Act must prevent AI from undermining human creativity and threatening the livelihoods of creators.
Certain fundamental principles therefore need to underpin the AI Act. Creators must be in a position to license, and be remunerated, for the use of their works by AI operators. They also deserve to know when their works are being used to train AI. Equally, consumers should be able to identify AI content and be aware that the content they are listening to, watching or reading, was not created by humans.
We therefore urge the EU to ensure that the AI Act addresses the need for transparency by AI operators and requires them to comply with existing copyright law. Record-keeping obligations should be a standard expected across the value chain and cannot be considered overburdening AI operators. They should be drafted in a way that encourages open collaboration between tech companies and creators.
AI will radically change the world for creators and creative industries. With smart regulation that protects human creators and requires transparency, this can be extremely positive for culture, art, digital businesses and the creative economy.
We call on the EU to move urgently on the issue and maintain its leading global role in promoting creators’ rights.