Asia-Pacific Committee meet to tackle key issues confronting the region

About 31 representatives from authors’ societies across the Asia-Pacific region joined to discuss the advancements, challenges and lobbying efforts in copyright legislation and collective management.
Among the key topics discussed was broadcasting tariffs in the region and fair remuneration for creators.
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Licenses for Music Copyright Thailand (MCT) in the regions of Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia were also discussed, as well as a ways to assist and further develop the Mongolian Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (MOSCAP).
Other topics discussed included satellite and cable licensing, and multi-territory digital licensing.
Golden Anniversary celebrations will be held tonight, congratulating the Filipino Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (FILSCAP) for its' 50 years of commitment promoting the interests and protecting the rights of Filipino creators.
One of the highlights of this years’ first Asia-Pacific Committee meeting was the work created by renowned Vietnamese musician Pho Duc Phuong, which is an originally composed song inspired by the 2015 WIPO World IP Day Slogan "Get up, Stand up, for Music"
Mr Phuong's performance gave an enlivened beginning to the first day of proceedings held in Manila, Philippines.