Audiovisual societies meet in Buenos Aires to discuss ways forward on collective management of AV rights

Audiovisual societies from across Latin America gathered in Buenos Aires today to discuss the need to further strengthen collective management of audiovisual rights in the region.
At the invitation of Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos (DAC), more than 30 representatives from CISAC and audiovisual societies from across Latin America and the Caribbean attended the CLC Dramatic and Audiovisual Rights seminar on AV rights.
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Famed filmmaker, Academy Award winner, and current CISAC Vice President Marcelo Piñeyro welcomed the participants to a discussion panel, alongside CISAC Director General Gadi Oron who delievered the opening speech.
The panel also included Latin American and Caribbean Committee President Alexis Buenseñor, DAC President Carlos Galletini and Sociedad General de Autores de la Argentina (ARGENTORES) President Miguel Angel Diani.
Mr Oron outlined the growing challenges in protecting creators, particularly in the audiovisual sector due to the lack of development, and strength, of collective management of AV rights compared to other creative fields, such as music.
“The author is the weakest party in the creative ecosystem,” he said.
“Yet the production companies, the broadcasters, the Internet service providers, the search engines – all rely on the content created by the creator”.
To address these issues, Mr Oron advocated CISAC's multipronged approach, including :
Building a stronger network of collective management organisations (CMOs) globally, by assisting existing AV societies and encouraging the development of new AV societies where they don't exist.
Working toward a more favourable legal framework that is fair and sustainable, and
Supporting the better identification of works to collect and distribute royalties.
"We need to concentrate our efforts, to ensure that creators obtain their fair share from this market – because without creators, there is no audiovisual content,” Mr. Oron added.
Writers & Directors Worldwide (W&DW) President Yves Nilly and DAC General Secretary Horacio Maldonado then reported on the activities of the W&DW Council of Creators and on the Alianza de Directores Audiovisuales Latinoamericanos (ADAL) organisation.
An update of audiovisual rights management initiatives in Latin America was also presented by CISAC Regional Director for Latin America Santiago Schuster, DASC President Mario Mitrotti and ATN General Manager César Cuadra.
The panel discussion concluded with societies sharing progress on their activities in the field of audiovisual and dramatic rights.