CIAGP Annual Congress Unites in Vienna in Support of Visual Artists Around the World

On 26-27 October in Vienna upon the invitation of local visual arts society Bildrecht, more than 60 visual artists and society representatives from throughout the world took part in the International Council of Authors of the Graphic and Plastic Arts and of Photographers (CIAGP) annual congress. CIAGP is the CISAC visual artist creators’ council.
The first day of the congress began with three opening speeches and keynotes. Bildrecht CEO Günter Schönberger welcomed all participants before giving a country update on Austria, touching on broadcasting revenues, recent developments, reprographic reproduction and the increased use of images. He then thanked the CISAC team for their involvement in creating the EY-prepared “Cultural Times” study before expressing concern that visual artists face a challenging situation in today’s digital economy and calling for support to address the challenges.
CISAC Board of Directors Vice-Chair, VEGAP Director General and CIAGP Rapporteur General Javier Gutiérrez Vicén then spoke, summarizing the different projects the council is working on, including the fingerprinting project that would allow the identification of visual works in the online environment.
CISAC Director General Gadi Oron provided the final keynote of the opening, welcoming representatives before updating attendees on how the promotion and protection of authors’ rights has progressed globally. For visual artists, CISAC has noted the significant progress at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) with an extensive lobbying campaign, coordinated with CIAGP, GESAC and EVA, leading to Professor Ricketson’s planned presentation of his academic study on the resale right in front of all member countries at the upcoming Standing Committee on Copyright (SCCR) meeting. CISAC is also organising a creators’ forum in China for 28 November where visual arts and the resale right will be on the agenda. In Japan, JASRAC and CISAC have met with the government branch responsible for culture to lobby for the resale right and reduce opposition to its introduction in WIPO. CISAC supports also the lobbying of the local societies in Argentina and South Africa.
The global adoption of the resale right is one of the key priorities for CIAGP. Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall presented on the current status of the campaign as well as a working group in Europe. ARS President Ted Feder, SAVA Director General Yuriem Echevarria Cabrera and Sarah Tran gave their insight for the United States, Latin America and China.
Discussions on online licensing of works through the visual arts licensing hub OnLineArt (OLA) concluded the first day. VG Bild-Kunst Legal Counsel Anke Schierholz briefed attendees on how the programme’s advances have made it into a key tool for managing on-demand rights of visual works.
Following the working groups reports, five resolutions were passed. These were in regards of the resale right bill in Argentina, the remuneration of visual artists in Lithuania, the creation of a new AGP society in South Africa, Framing and the Action Plan for the Distribution working group.
The new CIAGP Executive Committee was also unanimously approved and includes ADAGP, ARS, Bildkunst, BUS, DALRO, SAVA, VEGAP and Viscopy. VEGAP Director General Javier Gutiérrez Vicén is CIAGP Rapporteur General. The Fingerprint Management Committee was also elected and includes ADAGP, Bild-Kunst, SOFAM, VEGAP and PICTORIGHT. The objective of this committee is to advance this modernisation tool for visual arts societies.