CISAC announces new Board of Directors for 2019-2022 term

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has announced the results of its 2019 elections for Board of Directors. The elections took place on May 30th during the CISAC General Assembly, hosted by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) in Tokyo.
The General Assembly elected the new Board of Directors consisting of 20 member societies, each of whom will serve a three-year term. Marcelo Castello Branco (UBC) was appointed as Chair. Asaishi Michio (JASRAC) and Patrick Raude (SACD) were appointed as Vice-Chairs. The new 2019-2022 Board is effective immediately.
Representing author’s societies from all artistic repertoires and all regions of the world, it comprises of representatives from the following author’s societies: APRA (Australasia), ARTISJUS (Hungary), ASCAP (U.S.A.), Bildupphovsrätt (Sweden), BMI (U.S.A.), GEMA (Germany), JASRAC (Japan), KOMCA (Republic of Korea), LIRA (Netherlands), ONDA (Algeria), PRS for Music (U.K.), SACD (France), SACEM (France), SACM (Mexico), SADAIC (Argentina), SAMRO (South Africa), SIAE (Italy), SOCAN (Canada), UBC (Brazil) and VEGAP (Spain).
Speaking at the General Assembly, CISAC President Jean-Michel Jarre and Director General Gadi Oron led warm tributes to Eric Baptiste, who is stepping down after five years as Chair of the CISAC Board of Directors. “Eric’s deep knowledge and experience in our sector have played an important part in the successful operations of CISAC”, Gadi Oron said.