CISAC Asia-Pacific Committee urges updates to private copying regime and support of resale right in Japan

In Japan to celebrate the 80th anniversary of JASRAC as well as the CISAC General Assembly, the Confederation held its Regional Asia-Pacific Committee (CAP) in Tokyo on May 28th and 29th. CAP used the gathering of the region’s collective management organisations as an opportunity to stress the importance of resale right and private copying to the Japanese government.
On May 28th, two resolutions were passed in efforts to build creator protections in the country through spurring attention from societies around the globe. Regarding private copying remuneration in Japan, a resolution was adopted to draw attention to the current system’s problem of covering outdated media formats and recording equipment. Supporting JASRAC and JASPAR, it urges the Japanese government to establish an updated, functioning private copying remuneration system through underscoring that other developed markets regularly update their systems to adapt to consumer behaviour.
The second resolution is a continuation of CISAC’s efforts to bring resale right to Japan. The resolution in support of JASPAR calls upon the government to introduce the right into the Copyright Act of Japan as well as support international discussions at WIPO for global recognition and implementation of the right. Resale right, which is reciprocal, has already been introduced in more than 90 countries.
During the CAP meeting, collective management issues in Asia-Pacific region were discussed. An update about the latest review of the European Union’s Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was made. Efforts are underway to educate and encourage other countries and territories to urge respective governments to adopt similar rules after the EU addressed the transfer of value with the adoption.
Societies also were informed about the Asia-Pacific Music Creators Alliance (APMA), mechanical rights, Women@CISAC, the status of updating the international identifier ISWC, as well as collective management and copyright situations in Europe, Africa and Latin America.