CISAC brings best practices and compliance to the fore at NORCODE Caribbean training programme

Assisted by CISAC, the first regional training programme in the Caribbean on collective management of copyright and related rights in the digital environment from NORCODE brought participants from 10 countries and territories to Barbados November 19th-23rd. The programme addressed concerns regarding the transfer of value across the Caribbean.
During the training workshop, CISAC addressed collective management organisations on the confederation’s Professional Rules and Binding Resolutions. These are tools put in place to ensure proper documentation, collection, licensing and distribution activities.
Each participating society concluded the training by committing to a study project to complete. CISAC will be leading the study “A Strategic Approach to Increasing Compliance with OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States)”. Results will be reviewed May 2019.
An accompanying press conference also brought to light the issue of unlicensed use of repertoire by large broadcasters in Barbados and to demand a solution to this problem.