CISAC calls attention to creative sector’s concerns on legal responsibilities of internet intermediaries to Council of Europe

On 24 August, CISAC presented its comments on the Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the roles and responsibilities of Internet intermediaries. The purpose of the Draft Recommendation issued by the Steering Committee of Media and Information Society of the Council of Europe is to be adopted, as a Recommendation, by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers in early 2018. CISAC´s comments were also sent to the Heads of the Permanent Representations of the Council of Europe’s member states.
CISAC took the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the major concerns of the creative sector, both in Europe and on behalf of its international society members, in regards to the legal responsibilities of Internet intermediaries. In the comments, the confederation acknowledged that keeping the fundamental rights of the Internet (i.e., freedom of expression, privacy and personal data protection) are essential, while underscoring that it is necessary to equally protect the fundamental right of intellectual property.
To support the creative and cultural industries, CISAC expressed concern that the Draft Recommendation overlooked the challenges presented by the digital environment and the need to safeguard authors’ rights. Amendments were proposed to address the transfer of value as well as to ensure the protection of creative content through effective technical and administrative tools. Improved cooperation between Internet intermediaries and rights holders was also underscored to the Council of Europe.
The complete document can be reviewed in the CISAC Legal & Policy section, alongside previous position papers on the EU Copyright Package and the Transfer of Value.