CISAC in China to boost cooperation with government, societies and artist federations

CISAC Director General Gadi Oron and Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng met senior government officials and key stakeholders in Beijing on September 18th and 19th to discuss copyright and digital market developments.
CISAC visited Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) on September 18th, learning that digital license negotiations with Tencent were recently concluded. This will reinforce payments from digital for music creators in China. CISAC also offered to support lobbying with MCSC, particularly for the copyright amendment and improving broadcasting tariffs.

CISAC visited the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC). NCAC has been working on improving copyright protections. CISAC offered opinions on the latest copyright amendment bill and thanked the government for its support at WIPO for an international treaty on resale right.
Finally, CISAC met with the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to increase cooperation with local creators. CFLAC is a pivotal umbrella organisation of all creator federations in China. CFLAC Vice President Li Qianguang, who represents the federation, welcomed Gadi Oron for the first official meeting between the organisations. The two discussed working closely together to promote creators’ rights in China as well as CISAC’s global priorities for creators including protection in the digital market, rights for audiovisual creators and the visual artists’ resale right.