CISAC meets Indonesian Intellectual Property Officials, talks royalty potential and government role

CISAC met with Indonesian government representatives on November 15th in the wake of the Regional Asia-Pacific Committee. The committee convened in Jakarta November 12th to 14th, representing 28 societies in 16 countries and territories in the region.
CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng and Director General Gadi Oron were joined by Japanese society JASRAC and Korean society KOMCA for talks with the Indonesia Ministry of Law Intellectual Property Department.
The meeting focused the digital market, which has been a particularly crucial source of growth for the country. Discussions were also held on the local market’s positive developments over the past five years.
Collections have grown over tenfold since 2013, helped by increased digital revenue and karaoke licensing. In 2017, collections in Indonesia by CISAC member society WAMI reached €2.7 million, up 92.7% from the previous year. This made it the country with the highest percentage growth in Asia-Pacific.
CISAC encouraged the government to maintain a supervisory role and avoid any plans of further engaging in licensing on behalf of rights holders.
Issues also included the pending law on internet service provider liability and recent developments in the European Union. The EU decided to move forward on the Copyright Directive earlier this year in September.
The recently published 2018 CISAC Global Collections Report provides in-depth information and insight on authors’ rights in Indonesia and Asia-Pacific.