CISAC meets with Korean Copyright Commission on fair audiovisual remuneration
Representatives from CISAC met with a delegation from the Korean Copyright Commission at the confederation’s Paris HQ to discuss the positive impact of an unwaivable remuneration right for audiovisual authors.
Fair remuneration for screenwriters and directors is one of CISAC’s major campaigns internationally. The campaign is supported by four recently-published case studies showing that audiovisual industries have developed successfully, with no negative economic impacts, in countries that have implemented the unwaivable remuneration right.
CISAC is now supporting Korean audiovisual society DGK (a provisional CISAC member) which is arguing in favour of implementing the unwaivable right. The current legislation is currently being reviewed by the Korean Assembly.
Dr. Seon-Mi Song and Hye Jung from the Korean Copyright Commission’s (KCC) Law & Policy Research Team met with CISAC staff members, Leonardo de Terlizzi and Luisa Luna in the meeting on November 28th.
In the past year CISAC has published in-depth case studies on the economic backdrop to the implementation of the right in Italy, Spain, Poland, Latin America. The case studies, supported by sister society SAA and Writers & Directors Worldwide, demonstrate that, when recognized by law and implemented, the right not only guarantees a fair remuneration for audiovisual creators but also helps foster the development of the audiovisual industry.
Trends in box office income, national film and TV production, broadcasting revenues and authors society collections reflect consistent growth in local audiovisual industries, coinciding with the period the remuneration right for AV works was first introduced in each territory
Details of the case studies were shared with the KCC, as was CISAC’s AV Remuneration Study, an expert legal report which outlines the model legislation required to ensure equitable remuneration, entrusting management of these rights to authors’ collective management organisations (CMOs).
The campaign has received strong support from accomplished audiovisual creators. An international panel discussion in 2001 Lights and action on authors' royalties featured creators explaining why the unwaivable right is so important to their work and careers. The panel was organised by CISAC, SAA and W&DW