CISAC reforms allow Rights Management Entities (RMEs) to become Clients
CISAC is progressing with reforms that enable the confederation to offer services to Rights Management Entities (RMEs). These are companies which operate a different business model from the traditional Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) which make up CISAC’s membership. Under the new approach, RMEs can become Clients of the Confederation and obtain access to CISAC’s business tools (the CIS Tools).
This new approach enables CISAC to safeguard the key values of collective management, such as good governance and transparency, while promoting its standards and systems to other parties in the rights management sector.
Members vs Clients
Under the new approach, the criteria for membership of the confederation remains unchanged. CISAC membership, and all the benefits that come with it, is reserved for Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) only, as stated in the Statutes of CISAC.
RMEs are entities that engage in rights management but do not qualify as CMOs under the Statutes of CISAC. They can request to become a Client and obtain access to the CIS Tools under specific terms and conditions and subject to Client fees that have recently been adopted by the Board of Directors.
Three Rights Management Entities have recently become CISAC Clients: Soundreef (UK), Unison (Spain) and NexTone (Japan). More entities have requested to become CISAC Clients and these requests are under review.
For further information on CISAC’s services to Client RMEs read here.