CISAC Regional Asia-Pacific Committee meeting tackles regional issues in Taipei

On November 1st and 2nd, 35 representatives from 16 authors’ societies participated in the CISAC Regional Asia-Pacific Committee (CAP) meeting hosted by MÜST in Taipei.
CISAC Asia-Pacific Committee Chairman Satoshi Watanabe opened the meeting before an overview update by CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng. Regional priorities include cinema licencing, karaoke licencing, royalty-free background music services and multi-byte character data processing. Satoshi Watanabe also spoke on the multiple CMO arrangements in Asia-Pacific as well as the 2017 Asia-Pacific Music Creators Alliance (APMA) General Assembly in Tokyo.
CISAC detailed lobbying efforts in the region to remove restrictions from public performance collections in South Korea as well as efforts in India. TIPO government officials attended and heard the committee’s concerns on the current copyright law amendment in Taiwan.
CISAC Senior Legal Advisor Constance Herreman updated on the transfer of value campaign as well as the CISAC Guide on the CRM Directive and Global Private Copying Study. The meeting also discussed how to support the development of societies in the region. Benjamin Ng summarised the status of MCT’s Developmental Review, suggesting VCMPC to take up the review in 2018.
The committee took place around the same time as the Asia-Pacific International Songwriting Camp. MÜST General Manager Yenny Tsai detailed the initiative, hosted by the society itself, which brought together more than 70 songwriters from 3 continents in Taipei.