CISAC Releases Guide to the EU Directive on Collective Rights Management

CISAC has released an informative guide to the 2014 European Union Directive on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights and Multi-territorial Licensing of Rights in Musical Works for Online Use in the Internal Market. The Directive is the most recent European Commission action that effects the way in which rights are licensed collectively in the EU. It seeks to establish high standards for good governance and transparency in operations as well as facilitate cross-border licensing of online music.
The three-part guide is divided into a summary of the Directive, an analysis of the scope, definitions, general CMO rules and enforcement measures, as well as an evaluation of the impact of this Directive for both EU and non-EU CMOs. This Directive could potentially impact non-EU societies either as setting a precedent for the future and/or the possibility of this Directive being applied to non-EU societies operating within EU Member States. Specific details can be read in this guide.
This Directive recognises the importance of good governance, transparency and accountability. These elements reflect the comprehensive set of rules put in place and enforced for member societies by CISAC in the Professional Rules and Binding Resolutions.
The guide is only available to CISAC members (available in English, French and Spanish).