CISAC visits Korea to meet with National Assembly members and honour KOMCA

South Korea is one of the most advanced and dynamic digital markets of the world. The country is one of a handful of markets where the largest source of income for music creators comes from digital services. This rarity is due to CISAC member KOMCA collecting more royalties from digital platforms than traditional broadcasting or live performance sources. CISAC was invited by KOMCA to Korea for its special General Assembly, held once every year, which allowed the confederation to meet with members of the National Assembly.
In meetings with members of the National Assembly, CISAC discussed the current market conditions as well as key areas where legislative improvements are needed. CISAC Director General Gadi Oron met with five members who have already contributed to supportive legal frameworks for creators in Korea: Congressman You Sung Yop (National Assembly Education, Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee Chairman), Congressman Jeong Kab Yoon, Congressman Jo Seoung Lae, Congresswoman Na Kyung Won and Congressman An Min Suk.

The first area CISAC promoted was a change in law to allow KOMCA to collect for public performance. Currently the law restricts public performance collections, preventing KOMCA from collecting from all establishments that play music in public. Such a restriction is a potential violation of Korea’s obligation under international copyright treaties. Up to now progress has been incremental, such as in 2017 when the Presidential Decree to the Copyright Act was amended to allow collections from only three new types of premises. The ultimate solution is to remove the unreasonable restriction in public performance, which is the typical situation in most countries.
The second concerns giving KOMCA more control in setting tariffs. Today, all tariffs are subject to government review and approval. If KOMCA is given more liberty, the rates would better reflect the value of the rights. In meeting the 5 congressmen, CISAC Director General Gadi Oron drew attention to the need for more flexibility in rate setting, to allow fair rates in the fast-moving Korean market.
On February 21st, KOMCA’s General Assembly united local creators, government officials and members of Congress. CISAC Director General Gadi Oron was invited by KOMCA Chairman Yoon Myung-Sun to address the assembly about the country, KOMCA’s achievements in recent years and CISAC’s collaboration with the society.
Gadi Oron highlighted the impressive achievements of KOMCA, particularly in adapting to digital technologies. The society not only has strengthened internally but has expanded relationships with the international community and sister societies. Chairman Yoon helped establish the Asia-Pacific Music Creators Alliance (APMA) in 2016 as well as supporting the 2017 Creators Seminar in Seoul, co-organised by CISAC and KOMCA.
During the assembly, CISAC presented a plaque to the aforementioned five members of Congress. The plaque was given in recognition of their dedication, commitment and efforts in the development of the Korean music market as well as to express CISAC’s appreciation for their support of Korean creators and creative industries.