CISAC’s Communications Expert Group Sets 2016 Communications Strategy

On 15 April, the Communications Experts Group (CEG) met at CISAC’s offices in Paris to discuss the key communications priorities and projects for 2016.
Chaired by Yaniv Grady (ACUM) and co-chaired by Robbert Baruch (BUMA-STEMRA), the meeting was attended by representatives from multiple repertoires and regions including Elisa Eisenlohr (UBC), Andy Hind (PRS for Music), Stéphane Joseph (SCAM), Jan Mlotkowski (ZAIKS), Coralie de la Martinière (ADAGP), Catherine Boissière, Héloïse Fontanel and Sandra Valerii (SACEM), and Aurelia Leeuw (GESAC).
Robbert Baruch, also a Vice-Chair of the Global Policy Committee (GPC), presented on the transfer of value in the digital era, a priority topic referred to the CEG by the Board of Directors. Leonardo de Terlizzi, CISAC’s Legal Advisor, then gave an overview of the Governance Reform project currently underway at CISAC. The visual artists’ resale right, The Audiovisual Campaign and next steps of the 2015 EY study on Cultural and Creative Industries were also discussed. The presentations were followed by an open session on how best to communicate these key projects and important developments to CISAC members and to the general public.
The afternoon was dedicated to sharing best practices and experiences by individual societies. Each presenting member prepared a case study, key project or challenge to discuss and receive feedback on. The "Tour de table" was followed by a lively Q&A session and a work plan coordination for the next few months, before the meeting adjourned.
The CEG’s mandate is to provide communications support to CISAC, specifically to the Global Policy Committee (GPC), in highlighting important decisions and disseminating key information.