Collective management improvements in Africa presented at CISAC Regional African Committee Executive Committee meeting in Algeria

During the Creativity Fair (Salon de la créativité) in Algiers, the CISAC Regional African Committee Executive Committee (CECAF) held an exceptional meeting to examine progress and upcoming actions to improve collective management in Africa.
Algerian Minister of Culture Azzedine Mihoubi as well as ONDA Director General and CISAC Board Member Sami Bencheikh El Hocine welcomed CECAF to Algeria.
The continent is undergoing significant changes to build upon past successes in collections and distributions for creators. In 2017, total collections in Africa grew 9.5% year-on-year, yet still only represent 0.7% of all collections in the world according to CISAC’s Global Collections Report.
Progress towards a single African database as well as new methods of managing repertoires digitally were presented. Once completed, the database will consolidate music repertoires from African societies into one database using standard identifiers. This would create a “one-stop shop” for digital licensing. A Latin American digital one-stop shop solution was examined.
At the meeting, CECAF Chairperson Irene Vieira and CECAF members reviewed the committee’s role and provisions. She also discussed recent private copying developments for the Ivory Coast, where the government committed itself to improving private copying this year following a delegation visit that included prominent artist Lokua Kanza.