Communications Experts Group kick-off meeting sets a clear path forward on 2015 projects

Representatives from about 10 authors’ societies (SACEM, SACD, SAMRO, UBC, ARTISJUS, ADAGP, BUMA-Stemra and ACUM) from across the world gathered in Paris on 19 March for the first meeting of the newly-formed Communications Experts Group (CEG).
CEG Chairman Yaniv Grady (ACUM) welcomed the attendees and CEG Vice Chair Robbert Baruch (BUMA Stemra) gave a brief overview of the purpose, operations and composition of the CEG, which replaces CISAC’s former Communications Committee (CT-Com).
Based on CISAC’s new structure, the purpose of the CEG is to support the work of CISAC communications and, specifically, support the Global Policy Committee (GPC) and implement its decisions.
The CEG was recently endorsed by CISAC’s Board of Directors and is composed of communications and public relations professionals, reflecting the variety of CISAC’s geographic regions and creative repertoires. The number of CEG members is kept to a minimum in order to foster efficiency.
CISAC Director of Communications Cecile Roy presented CISAC's 2014 communications activity, and highlighted the priorities and outlook for 2015. She noted the successful release of the 2015 Global Collections Report, which was widely reported on in the press, with headline pieces in Billboard, Music Week, M Magazine, Musik Woche, MusikMarkt and Le Monde, to name a few.
Mrs Roy stressed CISAC’s recent push to strengthen its online presence with the launch of a new website that dramatically modernises CISAC’s online brand, and further development on social media. Over the past six months, the number of people following CISAC has increased by 300% on Facebook, 60% on Twitter and 25% on LinkedIn, respectively.
She also outlined CISAC’s key communications projects and priorities for this year, which include:
- The release of a second edition of the Global Collections Report that will report on 2014 data
- The planned publication of the EY-led world economic study on creative and cultural industries (CCIs), and
- The building of an education function through the creation of MOOCs (massive open online courses) on authors’ rights/copyright, in collaboration with world-class universities.
Following EY’s presentation of CISAC’s upcoming world economic study on CCIs, CEG participants discussed and analysed GESAC’s recent experience with the publication of a similar study at the European level, with the aim of learning from experience and identifying areas for improvement in the communications plan going forward.
The afternoon was dedicated to a round table discussion of societies’ key projects and priorities, and brainstorming ways to enable CISAC to better leverage societies’ help in supporting its communications activity around the world. An action plan is being drawn up that will soon be shared with the GPC.