Creators Seminar and APMA General Assembly meet in Jakarta

On November 14th, CISAC and WAMI hosted a Creators Seminar to educate Asia-Pacific creators about key issues of copyright buy-outs and transfer of value. The seminar was the opportunity for creators to learn about some of the most pressing global issues affecting their ability to earn fair remuneration.
CISAC Director General Gadi Oron detailed CISAC’s major campaigns to improve the livelihoods of creators across all repertoires. These include the transfer of value, lobbying WIPO for an international resale right treaty, working towards remuneration rights for screenwriters and directors as well as improving implementation of private copying systems throughout the world. The voice of creators themselves have been key in obtaining change across regions and campaigns.

The seminar highlighted two major issues with panels: copyright buy-out and transfer of value. Creators are being pressured into accepting lump-sum upfront payments for their work, especially in audiovisual. The issue of copyright buy-out removes the possibility for creators to receive remuneration if their work grows in popularity and revenues by signing away their rights. This has been a growing practice due to the growth of video on demand platforms.
Hong Kong University Professor Alice Lee detailed a study on buy-outs. The comparative legal study seeks to analyse the practice of buy-outs across countries and territories. Indonesian creator Theresia Ebenna Ezeria Pardede, KOMCA Chairperson Hong Jin Young, JASRAC Chairperson Haku Ide, MCT Chairperson Thanit Chernpipat, IPRS Board Member Aashish Rego examined the issue in a panel discussion.

Regarding transfer of value, the world is watching the European Union and the developments of the Copyright Directive. The committee was informed about this process of addressing transfer of value by holding user-uploaded content platforms liable for copyrighted works.
CISAC Senior Legal Advisor Constance Herreman explained these issues and developments prior to a discussion being held with CIAM Honorary President Lorenzo Ferrero, WAMI Irfan Aulia, JASRAC and Asia-Pacific Committee Chairperson Satoshi Watanabe
The Asia-Pacific Music Alliance, a regional alliance of the CISAC music creators council CIAM, held its General Assembly at the seminar. The assembly allowed music creators to learn about the announced buy-out study as well as to welcome new members from India (the 20th member of APMA) and Myanmar. MCAI Hon. General Secretary Ashish Rego was invited to join the transfer of value panel where he presented the current problems in India.
The assembly also learned about the 2018 CIAM annual congress in Mexico City, including progress on gender equity, a Fair Trade Music aggregator as well as a joint meeting between ALCAM and MCNA to boost cooperation among Latin artists across North and South America.
At the end of the seminar, creators came together to release the Jakarta Statement. The statement is a collective effort by music creators to draw attention to the issue of copyright buy-out and its impact on the creative community. The complete statement can be read here.