Creators worldwide support new "Europe for creators" campaign

On September 12th the European Parliament will vote on legislation that will impact on the future of our culture. CISAC, one the world’s biggest global network of creators, representing 4 million creators worldwide is rallying behind a new campaign “Europe for Creators”.
We are calling for Europe to protect the artists and creators who make our culture-and not the global monopolistic tech giants who profit from it.
This vote will send a signal about how we value culture beyond Europe to the world.
Europe for Creators, a coalition of citizens, creatives and nearly 250 organizations fighting in favour of the Copyright Directive, today launches a broad reaching movement, calling on citizens and decision-makers to take part in the debate and ensure that their voices are heard.
This campaign seeks to correct misinformation by explaining the issues at stake and the importance of a vote in favour of the EU Copyright Directive on September 12th.
For more details of our campaign, click here.