Enroll today for free copyright history course from CISAC and FutureLearn, starting March 18th

Discover more about creative and cultural industries over the centuries in “Exploring Copyright”, the free online course from CISAC and FutureLearn. Learners from over 160 countries have participated on the journey from Gutenberg to the digital era.
“Exploring Copyright” is a four-week online course examining how creators and authors earned their protections to receive remuneration for their works. It also examines how authors’ rights contributed to economic growth and international trade. You will also learn how changing technologies have influenced authors and efforts in receiving remuneration over the course of history.
The course, commissioned by CISAC, is led by professor, copyright lawyer and former UBC Executive Director Marisa Gandelman.
Whether you are a creative professional, author or just curious about culture, the MOOC is made for you. Enrolment for this version of the CISAC and FutureLearn course is now open in English.
The course begins March 18th, 2019. Use #FLexplorecopyright to engage with learners from throughout the world.