Global best practices key to sustained collective management growth in Africa at WIPO workshop in Pretoria

Collective management in Africa was the focus on 14-15 March when WIPO organised a workshop for societies throughout Africa. The Workshop on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in Music in Pretoria brought together bodies including the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa, SPEDIDAM, IFPI and ARIPO.
Seminar topics ranged from the ratification of intellectual copyright treaties, such as the WIPO Copyright Treaty, the Beijing Treaty and the Marrakech Treaty, to the status of collective management of rights in the digital era in South Africa. Collective management organisations were discussed, focusing on their operations, governance, members’ rights, obligations and relationships between CMOs and users.
CISAC Regional Director Samuel Sangwa led the sharing of best practices to strengthen governance in African collective management organisations. He outlined a four-year strategic plan aimed at increasing the capabilities of collective management in the region.