International Conference Brings Creators’ Protection to Forefront in Chile

Santiago, Chile hosted a cross-region International Conference on Law & Creative and Innovative Companies (Derecho & Empresas Creativas y de la Innovación) on 13-15 April. The large-scale 3-day global gathering was organised by CISAC’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean with the support of the Ministry of Education of Chile, the University of Chile and leading law firms from the region.
45 international panellists and speakers covered themes on intellectual property and companies in music, publishing, advertising, visual art, design, videogames, audiovisual, software and databases.
See the photo gallery.
The conference began with opening remarks by University of Chile Faculty of Law Dean Davor Harasic as well as Interamerican Copyright Institute (IIDA) President Dr. Delia Lipszyc, National Institute of Intellectual Property of Chile (INAPI) Director Maximiliano Santa Cruz, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Representative Geidy Lung, Department of Intellectual Property Rights Director Claudio Ossa and CISAC Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Dr. Santiago Schuster.
The keynote speech, on “The Transfer of Value in the Digital Economy” was delivered by CISAC Director General Gadi Oron. The address focussed on the market distortion caused by the way in which digital services that facilitate access to copyright works, and derive high economic value from that, abuse outdated laws to avoid paying rightsholders. Mr. Oron then detailed the two key legislative issues that needs to be addressed: the misinterpretation of the scope of the right of “Communication to the Public” and the misapplication of safe harbour legislation for hosting services.

The second day of the conference began with a panel discussion on the scope of intellectual property rights exploitation by companies resulting from services provided in the case of work contracts or commissioned works. Discussions were then split into multiple rooms. Additional sessions included panels on new forms of licensing music, contracts for digital use of written works, licensing in the field of research and teaching, contracts for still image works, new terms and conditions in software licensing, the visible and invisible aspects of IP in custom architectural works as well as licenses in the development and distribution of video games.
The third day started with a session on IP licenses and technology transfer negotiations. Afterwards, the events continued with discussions on contracts involving creative input related to audiovisual productions, using names and brands in new business, contracts in audiovisual works, contract systems protecting ancestral knowledge, protected content in database and cloud storage as well as competition issues related to trade secrets. Concluding the conference was a final panel on the risks in transactions using intellectual property assets.
The conference was a success in drawing people from throughout the world. The 2016 event saw 190 attendees from 14 countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Spain and Venezuela.