Japanese visual artists gather for CISAC and JASPAR workshop

On 25 February, CISAC co-hosted with Japanese visual art society JASPAR a workshop for visual artists. The session attracted approximately 20 attendees for a roundtable discussion among artists, academics, societies and art dealers.
The workshop was held following the 2017 Resale Right Symposium at Waseda University in Tokyo, to promote introducing the resale right to Japan. It allowed attendees to hear various perspectives on the management of the right. A lively discussion also took place with art dealers and gallery owners who shared their concerns about the practical operation of the right. CISAC Director General Gadi Oron detailed recent developments around the world, including in the US and Argentina, and CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng explained how CISAC member ADAGP collects resale right royalties in France. Visual artists were encouraged to share their testimonials on the dedicated website for the resale right campaign (www.resale-right.org).