KOMCA’s CISAC Day in Paris builds cooperation and collaboration

On 13 June, key staff members of member society KOMCA visited CISAC’s headquarters in France for a dedicated CISAC Day to learn more about the confederation and its activities.
After a welcome and introduction from CISAC Director General Gadi Oron, each CISAC department presented its activities. CIS-Net, and KOMCA’s contribution to it, was discussed, followed by presentations on governance, membership, rules, compliance with CISAC Obligations, the mandatory CISAC Declarations and the three creators councils, Presidency and Ambassadors.
KOMCA was also briefed on the priorities of the Legal & Policy Department, including advice regarding the EU CRM Directive. They were also updated on the international campaigns of CISAC (i.e., private copying, the transfer of value, visual artists’ resale right and The Audiovisual Campaign). The day concluded with presentations on the confederation’s subscription fees, documentation and communications.