Latin American and Caribbean Committee addresses corporate governance and regional support at annual meeting in Guatemala

Societies from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean came together for discussions in Antigua. The CISAC Latin American and Caribbean Committee (CLC) was held on April 25th, allowing the confederation to discuss Membership Criteria Reform as well as its 2018 campaigns and projects.
The main focus of CLC meeting was the approval of 29 recommendations on governance, particularly related to decision-making processes. This was supported unanimously by CLC attendees. The CLC also saw debates on extraterritorial licensing and confidentiality clauses in tariff agreements, based on a Regional Legal Committee report presented by Chairperson Eduardo de Freitas.
Several formal resolutions were adopted. One resolution called on supporting AEI, which is faced with unilateral and unlicensed use of national and international repertoires by major cable and television users. It will urge the Guatemalan government to end this non-compliant behaviour as soon as possible. A resolution supporting SAYCE in Ecuador recognises the society’s progress while endorsing SAYCE in the face of disruptive actions from external groups that are working to prevent the society’s daily operations. A resolution was also adopted to urge the Brazilian government to authorise DBCA to operate as a CMO.