Private copying: West African governments back new Directive

Private copying levies in the Africa region currently total 9 million euros but have a far greater potential as a revenue source for creators. CISAC is supporting its member CMOs in many countries to implement effective private copying legislation that raises a small levy for creators on sales of media and devices.
This form of remuneration has now received a boost in west Africa, with the adoption of a Regional Directive harmonising rules on private copying and promising increased revenues to creators and the creative industries. CISAC has played a key role advising on this legislation.
The text of a regional directive was unanimously adopted by the Council of Ministers of UEMOA member states on 22nd September 2023. UEMOA (West African Economic Monetary Union) comprises eight member countries in the region. Only two of those, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire currently have a functional private copying scheme.
The remuneration scheme defined in the UEMOA Directive is based on similar principles to others implemented in the region and internationally. Remuneration applies to copies made for private use and is subject to mandatory collective management. Member states have until 2025 to transpose the Directive into national laws.
CISAC has provided legal and operational guidance in the discussions around the Directive’s adoption. The International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) was also a key partner.
CISAC is also engaged on a similar project at Africa regional level with ARIPO. The objective is the elaboration of a model law and a strategy for the deployment of the remuneration for private copying scheme in its 22 member states.
CISAC’s Global Collections Report for 2023, soon to be published, shows that private copying raised income of 368 million euros for creators globally in 2022.