Writers & Directors Worldwide Congress: Wrap-Up

At their annual international congress in Beijing, China on 5-6 November 2015, members of Writers & Directors Worldwide welcomed China's ongoing copyright reform and expressed their support for giving collective management organisations an increasing role that would benefit the entire Chinese creative community.
In his introductory remarks to a full two days of exchanges and discussions, CISAC Director General Gadi Oron said that this inaugural meeting of members of W&DW in China, and more specifically in its capital Beijing, was highly "symbolic." It reflected, said Oron, “the growing importance of China in the creative sector”, praising its cinema industry.
This is an industry with massive potential. It serves first and foremost the national market, but is also becoming globalised with an increasing number of international successes,"
noted Oron, who also acknowledged China's ongoing amendments to its copyright legislation.
CISAC is fully supportive of these changes and we would also very much like to see an increasing role given to collective management organisations in the audiovisual field. We believe that this is the fairest and most efficient way for audiovisual creators to reap the financial rewards of the works they have created. We support an internationally harmonized, universally applied, unassignable and unwaivable right to remuneration,"
he added.
The National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) Department for Policy and Regulation Director General Wang Ziqiang and Copyright Department (NCAC) Deputy Director General Tang Zhaozhi delivered keynote speeches. Their presentation was followed by those of China Film Copyright Association Secretary General Mao Xiaomao and CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjaming Ng, who gave an overview of the copyright landscape in China. The apex of the morning was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Writers & Directors Worldwide and the China Film Copyright Association. The Parties agreed on collaborative partnership to strengthen the rights of audiovisual creators in China.
(Special thanks to the DAC video team)
Next on stage was W&DW President Yves Nilly, who officially launched a new campaign for the fair remuneration of audiovisual creators all over the world. He invited all delegates and creators to join The Audiovisual Campaign in recognition of their rights. Directors UK Vice-President Delyth Thomas also discussed fair value, bringing on-hand expertise to the subject matter.
The afternoon of the first day was dedicated to a film screening. East China University of Political Science and Law Professor Wang Qian introduced the movie with a presentation on the remuneration right of secondary use of audio-visual works in China. Delegates thoroughly enjoyed the screening of the movie ‘The Assassins’, which was followed by a lively presentation by Chinese screenwriter Mr Wang Hailin and a panel discussion on the experiences of audiovisual creators all over the world. Closing the day, W&DW delegates had an opportunity to gather with Chinese government officials at a gala dinner.
The second day of W&DW’s Congress was dedicated to formal affairs. The council approved new statutes and voting procedures of Writers & Directors Worldwide. The new statutes include: a simplification of voting procedures and harmonisation of the term of office of chair; the creation of an "office of vice-chair"; representation of all continents; possible associate member status for international audiovisual and literary authors’ alliances sharing our missions and permanent observer status for other international authors’ organisations.
The change in statutes was rendered necessary by a recent decision of CISAC's Board of Directors that granted W&DW a large degree of independence, notably allowing cooperation with other international organisations and participating in WIPO's work in Geneva on behalf of authors.
These new statutes have already been adopted by CIAM [CISAC's music council] and should now allow W&DW to function in the same manner for simplification and clarity," said W&DW President Yves Nilly. "This important work has led to even closer collaboration between our two authors’ councils and to the creation of a permanent working group". "There is no doubt that the adoption of these statutes will give new impetus to our council and enable us to extend our international reach on behalf of the authors in our repertoires," added Nilly.
The Congress was preceded by a seminar on Authors’ Rights for writers and directors of audiovisual works on November 4, regrouping over 30 authors and students. Speakers at the seminar included; W&DW President Yves Nilly; CISAC Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Benjamin Ng; France's SACD Director of International Géraldine Loulergue; Mr Liu Peng of the Institute of Law from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; China Film Association Legal Department Director Yao Min and China Written Works Copyright Society Director General Zhang Hongbo.
A panel of world-renowned writers and directors discussed the merits and benefits of collective management of copyright for audiovisual authors. It featured Directors UK Director Delyth Thomas, Jacek Bromski of ZAPA Poland and ASDACS President Stephen Wallace.