Africa’s authors’ rights day mobilises creators across the region

September 13th, 2018 – Creators and their representative organisations will hold a day of action on authors’ rights throughout Africa on September 14th, for African Copyright and Collective Management Day.
Coordinated by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), the first annual African Copyright and Collective Management Day highlights authors rights and copyright as the lever to creators’ livelihoods and economic growth.
Over 20 CISAC member collective management organisations, helped by special artist “ambassadors” will hold workshops, roundtables and live performances and ceremonies.
See the participant map here.
CISAC Director General Gadi Oron says: “Copyright, authors’ rights and collective management of rights are the backbone of creators’ livelihoods, the creative industries and jobs. That is why CISAC is investing in this day of action. It is a day aimed at raising awareness of these vital drivers of economic growth, through a simultaneous programme of actions across many countries in Africa.”
Africa is an economic and cultural growth story for creators. According to the upcoming 2018 CISAC Global Collections Report, reported royalty collections increased by 11.4% in Africa reaching 75.5€ million in 2017. South Africa, Morocco and Algeria represent the majority of collections at 50.5%, 7.2% and 26% respectively of all African collections.
Yet much work is to be done. In 2017, CISAC survey revealed that less than 40% of all radio stations in the region were licensed to broadcast music.
African Copyright and Collective Management Day activities seek to build an environment to foster continued growth. Events include:
- In Namibia, President Hage Geingob will name a new street in Windhoek after the legendary musician Jackson Kaujeua. Local society NASCAM will also organise a music and performance exhibit.
- Zimbabwe’s ZIMURA is hosting a roundtable discussion on authors’ rights in TV and radio in the headquarters of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)
- The Ivory Coast’s BURIDA is partnering with national radio stations and press for a ceremony for new creator members
- Cape Verde’s SCM-Cooperativa is hosting a live music event for broadcast and with the theme: What your life would be like without music?”
A list of African Copyright and Collective Management Day events can be found here.
Join the Facebook Event here.
CISAC Regional Director for Africa Samuel Sangwa
“Pour un continent où la majorité de la population est jeune, les industries culturelles et créatives sont source de diversification économique et de création d’emplois. Au cœur de ces industries, la protection du droit d’auteur et le développement de la gestion collective sont indispensables pour une croissance durable.”
Author and PACSA President Sam Mbende
“Cette journée est une grande première en Afrique. La promotion du droit d'auteur, la sensibilisation des usagers, du public, la vulgarisation de ce droit à travers les activités et enfin le partage de la notion gestion collective du droit d auteur rendront plus intelligible le droit d auteur pour le grand bonheur de tous.”
BGDA Director General Pablo Bengura (Guinea)
"Mettons nos législations en adéquation avec l'environnement juridique international et respectons la dignité des Auteurs en payant leurs droits légitimes qui représentent LEUR HALAL".
COSOTA Chief Executive Officer and Copyright Administrator Doreen Anthony Sinare (Tanzania)
“We all need to win copyright deals: create, license, use, pay, receive. This is all that we need!"
GHAMRO General Manager Jonathan Cudjoe (Ghana)
“Joining other sister societies and affiliates across the continent, to celebrate the 1st ever African Copyright and Collective Management Day, is not only a great opportunity for GHAMRO to enhance its legitimacy in the eyes of users. It is also a chance to improve compliance with copyright laws which we trust will translate into a fair and adequate remuneration to rights holders.”
ONDA Director General Sami Bencheikh El Hocine (Algeria)
“L’Algérie, qui s'inscrit dans sa dimension africaine, ambitionne de perpétuer la création en la protégeant mais surtout en favorisant un arsenal juridique propice à l'émancipation de la créativité. Notre devoir en tant qu'office des droits d'auteur est de rassurer nos créateurs et d'anticiper les cas d'école de demain.”
SCM-Cooperative Solange Cesarovna (Cape Verde)
“The first edition of African Copyright Day, September 14th, is a celebration of what is most precious to us on the African continent: our intellectual property, our identity and the rich culture from our immensely beautiful and unique continent. The institution of the Africa Copyright Day by CISAC also marks the history of the creators of our continent who will have a special day of actions worldwide. It also highlights the next steps to be taken in the indispensable and untiring struggle for the fair remuneration that the authors and African creators deserve.”