Brazilian directors and screenwriters step closer to fair remuneration as government authorises new societies

Paris, December 10th, 2018 – The Brazilian government has authorised two audiovisual societies to collect royalties for screenwriters and directors for the first time. The decision, which comes after four years of lobbying by the creative community, is a vital step forward in the campaign for a fair remuneration right in Brazil.
Brazil’s Ministry of Culture announced on November 30th that Diretores Brasileiros de Cinema e do Audiovisual (DBCA) and Gestão de Direitos de Autores Roteiristas (GEDAR) are now authorised to operate as collective management organisations (CMOs).
Brazil is the largest market in Latin America and the Caribbean for collections for creators, according to the 2018 CISAC Global Collections Report. It is the second fastest-growing country in the region with collections rising by 38.9% in 2017. However, due to the lack of authorised societies in the audiovisual sector, screenwriters and directors until now have not received royalties for uses of their works.
Writers & Directors Worldwide and CISAC, with audiovisual organisations DAC, ARGENTORES, INTER ARTIS BRASIL and ADAL and ALGyD, have been campaigning since 2015 for fair rights and protection for audiovisual creators in the Latin America region and internationally. The campaign, which seeks to establish a remuneration for screenwriters and directors for any acts of exploitation (online and offline), has led to Colombia and Chile passing legislation giving this right to audiovisual creators.
Welcoming the breakthrough, W&DW President Horacio Maldonado said: “This is a fantastic reward for the tireless efforts by our creative community to improve the lives of audiovisual creators in this huge and important market. The Brazilian government has recognised what a key role these societies have to play in encouraging cultural creation and developing the creative industries”.
CISAC Director General Gadi Oron said: “We are delighted to have two more authorised societies among our global membership which spreads across 121 countries. This decision is also an important step forward for the global campaign to bring fair remuneration to audiovisual creators globally. And it is a tribute to the tireless work, passion and advocacy skills of our member societies and colleagues in Latin America”.
DBCA President Sylvio Back said: “This is a historical milestone for our audiovisual industry, which can see rights collected and distributed for the first time, as in dozens of countries worldwide. This will contribute to the development of Brazil’s audiovisual chain and strengthen the economic agenda of both culture and entertainment national production. Our societies, besides thanking their affiliates, creators and audiovisual professionals, want to make a special mention to CISAC, W&DW, ADAL, DAC, ARGENTORES and ALGYD, for their permanent support along years, which has become fundamental for this significant victory!”
GEDAR President Marcilio Moraes said: “The recognition by the Brazilian government of the screenwriters authors' rights whenever their works are exhibited represents an extraordinary step forward in the struggle of these professionals for fair remuneration. From now on, the audiovisual writer can fully participate in their works' careers".