CISAC presents new royalty studies at China trade expo

Paris, November 5th, 2018 - New studies into global royalty collections in China and globally will be unveiled by CISAC at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai on November 8th.
Gadi Oron, Director General of CISAC (the Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) will take the opportunity of China’s major international trade conference to release the CISAC Global Collections Report, including the special China Report 2018 on the rapid growth of collections for creators in China.
At the forum, Gadi Oron will outline the increased opportunities for collaboration between the global creative community and China’s burgeoning creative industries.
Data in CISAC’s report shows that CISAC’s partner society Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) has doubled its collections for authors to CNY206 million (€27 million) between 2013 and 2017. Digital collections have increased five-fold and are expected to double once again in 2018 alone.
Including China, CISAC brings together 239 authors’ societies in 121 countries and territories that manage rights and collect royalties for the use of creative works in many uses, such as broadcast, live and digital. Its member societies generated collections of more than €9 billion globally in 2016.
Speaking in advance of the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Gadi Oron said: “China has recognised the value of rights-based commerce as well as the enormous cultural and economic opportunity of its internet-connected population. With a strong local market, growing domestic and international investment in the cultural and digital industries and increased awareness of the value of licensing, China has an essential role to play in the global collections landscape”.
本届进博会将于11月5日开幕,其规格之高、规模之大举世瞩目。知识产权将作为其中的重要议题,这反映出中国政府近年来对推动知识产权战略以及推进著作法等法律修订的高度重视。获邀于进博会期间出席活动的CISAC 总干事甘迪·奥龙(Gadi Oron)先生将赴上海,并借此契机首发2018全球版税报告,同时也包括了一份专门关于中国市场的专题报告,以期分享全球版税收费的最新成果及中国创作者版税收入的增长状况,并着重介绍全球创意产业与蓬勃发展的中国创意产业之间日益增加的合作机会。