CISAC publishes China Report 2018 at China trade expo

Shanghai, November 8th, 2018 – Creators’ royalty collections in China have doubled in the last five years and are set for further growth in the future, according to a new China Report issued by CISAC at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
上海,2018年11月8日—— 今天上午,国际作者和作曲者联合会(CISAC)在上海举行的中国国际进口博览会上,正式发布2018年中国版税报告。报告指出,中国版税收入在过去五年里实现翻倍,并且预计在未来将保持增长势头。
The new report, titled “Unlocking the value of China’s creative industries”, is released alongside CISAC’s 2018 Global Collections Report. It shows that collections from digital platforms in China have grown five-fold since 2013 and are continuing to rise with the growth of licensed digital music services in the country.
Gadi Oron, Director General of CISAC (the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) took the opportunity of China’s major international trade conference to outline the increased opportunities for collaboration between the global creative community and China’s burgeoning creative industries. He also addressed China’s progress in protecting copyright and creative content.
Data in CISAC’s China report shows that local authors’ society Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) has doubled its collections to CNY206 million (€27 million) between 2013 and 2017. Digital collections have increased over 400% during the same period and are expected to double once again in 2018 alone.
Including China, CISAC brings together 239 authors’ societies in 121 countries and territories that manage rights and collect royalties for the use of creative works in many uses, such as broadcast, live and digital.Global collections totalled €9.6 billion globally in 2017.
Speaking in Shanghai, Gadi Oron said: “The Chinese market has immense potential for further growth that would benefit creators, support China’s economy and increase its impact on the global creative industries. Adopting a modern copyright framework would solidify China’s place in the global landscape and lead to enormous benefits for creators and creative industries in China”.