CISAC’s global network launches “Creators for Ukraine”

Paris, 16th March, 2022 - Creators and organisations representing all creative repertoires are asked to support Creators for Ukraine, a campaign launched by CISAC in partnership with its more than 220 members societies across the world.
Creators for Ukraine (hashtag #creatorsforukraine) is a global initiative to raise money for victims of the war, mobilise support from creators worldwide and promote Ukrainian culture. The website launched today, produced by the Polish society ZAIKS which is playing the leading role in the region, supporting creators and refugees.
Creators for Ukraine has three key elements:
- a fund to support creators and war victims. This CISAC support fund was announced last week, and generous donations from members and other organisations in the creative sector are already being received. Much of the funding will be used to support the extraordinary efforts of ZAIKS in supporting creators and refugees. To donate and for further details, see here
- an open letter from creators. A message of solidarity with Ukraine creators and war victims is being signed by artists, creators and organisations across the world. Please sign and share the letter which is here, using the #creatorsforukraine hashtag
- “Songs for Ukraine”, a project to promote and support Ukraine repertoire on broadcast and digital platforms. This has been originally conceived by Hungarian society Artisjus and will be announced internationally in the coming days.
Creators for Ukraine is supported by international organisations including the international creators’ councils CIAM and Writers & Directors Worldwide, and GESAC in Europe
For further information on Creators for Ukraine please contact
CISAC – the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – is the world’s leading network of authors’ societies (also referred to as Collective Management Organisations, or CMOs. With228 member societies in 120 countries, CISAC represents over four million creators of music, audiovisual, drama, literature, and visual arts. | Twitter: @CISACNews | Facebook: CISACWorldwide