Creators’ remuneration takes centre stage at Algiers Creativity Fair

Algiers, April 18th, 2018 - Private copying levies are a crucial and often under-used lever for remunerating creators across the world, a conference of authors societies and intellectual property experts in Algiers has heard.
Improved copyright laws and better enforcement were called for at the event at the Palais de la Culture as part of the 4th edition of the Salon de la Creativité organised by ONDA with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
"Private Copying Systems, Challenges and Opportunities?”, International Council of Creators of Music (CIAM) drew leading international authors organisations. Honorary President Lorenzo Ferrero, International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) Director of Legal Affairs Adriana Moscoso, Society of Authors and Dramatic Composers (SACD) Director General Pascal Rogard and National Office of Copyright and Neighboring Rights (ONDA) Director General Sami Bencheikh El Hocine participated. All insisted on the need for progress in the implementation of private copying legislation.
Lorenzo Ferrero said setting up private copying remuneration systems is a decisive step in establishing collective management organisations. These can improve the economic situation of creators, particularly in Africa.
Moderating the panel, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Deputy Director General Sylvie Forbin offered the organisation’s support.
Private copying collections have a vital role to play, especially in a changing digital environment. This form of remuneration applies to blank media and devices that allow the reproduction and storage of data. It is collected by collective management organisations, sometimes with the assistance of local government or customs.
Pascal Rogard said achieving adequate implementation of private copying is a long-term struggle. Yet it has been successful in France, benefitting not only creators but also cultural activity thanks to the distribution of a share of the levies to cultural and creative industries.
Speaking for the Algerian society, Sami Bencheikh El Hocine, highlighted the contribution which levies made to finance events such as the Salon de la Creativité.
CISAC’s Private Copying Global Study, published in October 2017, has provided a unique comprehensive global overview of private copying regimes across the world. The study highlights geographical areas with shortcomings in private copying legislation. This is particularly helpful in Africa where artists and their works are still inadequately protected.
Sami Bencheikh El Hocine and his counterpart of Cape Verdean society SCM, Solange Cesarovna Rodriguez, signed a reciprocity agreement.