APRA AMCOS press release: APRA AMCOS welcomes measured copyright safe harbour reform

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This week the Federal Government introduced the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2017 to extend safe harbour provisions in the Copyright Act to the disability, education, library, archive and cultural sectors. This represents the first step taken to significantly reform safe harbour legislation after more than 10 years of debate and multiple reviews. The measures in the Bill will ensure these sectors are protected from legal liability where they can demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to deal with copyright infringement by users of their online platforms.
The measures in the Bill initially extend the application of the existing safe harbour scheme to sectors that provide beneficial services to all Australians and who are working collaboratively with copyright owners to address infringement.
APRA AMCOS welcomes this sensible and measured reform. In particular, we support the Government's decision to specifically exclude at this time from the broader safe harbour those online services (such as social media platforms) that make available and financially benefit from the exploitation of others' copyright materials.
See the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2017 here.