BUMA STEMRA press release: BUMA STEMRA Announcement

HOOFDDORP, NETHERLANDS - 27 November 2015 – Buma Stemra CEO Hein van der Ree will leave the Organisation as of 1 February 2016. This has been mutually decided by both parties. The reason for Van der Ree's departure is a result of the Dutch Law (WNT) which regulates salaries in the Public and Semi Public sector. This Law was applied to Buma Stemra via another Dutch law which supervises Collective Rights Organisations.
Van der Ree was appointed CEO in 2010. The Board emphasises, as it did in previous communications that it was and remains very satisfied with the performance of its CEO. The Board and CEO have enjoyed an excellent relationship during the almost 6 years of Van der Ree's tenure.
During this period, the Organisation has introduced important business changes and developed a future strategy to ensure that the interests of members, the composers, authors and music publishers continue to be properly managed. In his role as Board Member of Buma Cultuur, Van der Ree was closely involved in the creation of the Buma Awards and the Buma Music Academy.
The Board thanks Van der Ree for his contribution and commitment to Buma Stemra during the last six years, as well as in the coming months. The Board expects to be able to provide information on Van der Ree's succession towards the end of 2015
About Buma/Stemra
Buma/Stemra is the copyright organisation of authors and music publishers in the Netherlands and represents the interests of its members worldwide. Authors who transfer the commercial exploitation of their music copyright to Buma/Stemra can be sure they will receive the maximum remuneration to which they are entitled. They can count on high quality services and the extensive provision of information with regard to music copyrights and the latest developments and trends in the music industry. Buma/Stemra also promotes Dutch music as an international product by organising, sponsoring and financing numerous music events provided by Buma Cultuur.