MÜST Celebrates 25th Anniversary in May 2024

MÜST is celebrating its 25th anniversary with its members to observe the solidarity of music creators and the healthier environment achieved the last decade.

Mr. WU Tsu-Tsu spearheaded the establishment of MÜST in 1999, along with other initiators including songwriters, major music publishers and the copyright department of the record labels. On May 26 of that same year, MÜST was granted the certificate by Taiwan Taipei District Court.

A cake in the shape of MÜSTA, MÜST mascot, was unveiled to mark the beginning of the celebration on the 17th of this month, and it was shared by the very first and current Chairman, Mr. WU Tsu-Tsu, the initiators and the current General Manager, Ms. Yenny TSAI.

MÜST develops and flourishes with its members. In 2005, MÜST was approved to be a member of CISAC. in 2014, the Music Works Archives Program was launched with the goal of documenting the stories behind the music creation. Since 2017, the MÜST International Songwriting Camp has offered participants greater and wider opportunities in co-writing through annual equipment specification upgrades.

MÜST has engaged in advancing the idea of Get Authorized First, and Then Use the Music among the general public, enabling fair compensation for musicians, and fostering innovation.