MÜST press release: MÜST 20th anniversary

The following press release is from member society MÜST.
Twenty years ago, a group of songwriters founded Music Copyright Society of Chinese Taipei (MÜST) in Taiwan where public awareness about copyright protection was only just starting. They determined to manage the licensing and collections regarding public usages of musical works for Taiwanese creators.

MÜST has been consistent in protecting and meeting expectations from members in drawing up standard tariffs and distribution regulations for the past 20 years. MÜST tries its best to safeguard copyrights for music creators in Taiwan and all over the world. MÜST is now one of the most iconic organizations for music copyright in Taiwan.

The MÜST 20th Anniversary was held on March 29th with an awards ceremony and celebration dinner. Over three hundred members and guests joined this memorable moment. CISAC Director General, Mr. Gadi Oron, spoke at the awards ceremony and presented the Award of Honorary Member. Our overseas societies - FILSCAP, JASRAC, KOMCA, MACA and WAMI also celebrated with us.

Members not only enjoyed the chat with their friends, but also demonstrated their talent with instruments in the Unplugged Area during the coffee break and networking.

The Founding Chairman, Current Chairman and General Manager opened the celebration dinner. Supporters who had close relationships with MÜST offered gifts for the lucky drawing. A 2019 MÜST International Songwriting Camp ticket was the final prize for the lucky songwriter,who will automatically be on the list of participants! The whole celebration was bathed in a lively musical atmosphere.

MÜST appreciates the members, sister societies, partners and people who warmly assist MÜST. With the full support from friends, MÜST is able to fight for its music right holders for next decade.